

Hello, my name is Masaaki. Currently,I live in Japan.
I am working in the medical field while running this blog.

My experiences are diverse, and through the practice of martial arts like Karate, Jujitsu, and Aikido, I’ve learned the value of self-improvement and the importance of maintaining a balance between mind and body. These experiences have laid the foundation for a deeper understanding of the history and spirit of the samurai.

In addition, I love novels, manga, and especially anime, which often influence the content of my blog. I particularly like anime themed around samurai, from which I draw a lot of inspiration.

In this blog, I delve deeply into the history of samurai, the depiction of samurai in anime, and its influence on modern culture.

My blog is a kind of adventure, focusing on the history of samurai, anime, and the points where they intersect. I look forward to making new discoveries together. I hope that my passion can help deepen your knowledge and interest. Thank you.

